Leadership en organisational change

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These topics are available for individual and group sessions

  • Define the mission and values ​​of my company: expressing the meaning of my activity, the vision for the future, the operational mission and the values ​.


  • Live my mission and values ​​daily: knowing how to determine the attitude and behaviour within my team that are necessary to fully live the mission and values ​​of my organization.


  • Stimulate the performance of my teams: translating the mission of the organization at all levels, define the strategy for each department to specify and support the objectives of each department, define the role and functioning of each employee, manage people and situations in line with the mission.


  • Public Speaking: overcoming stage fright, learning to spontaneously speak in front of an audience, mastering the techniques of public speaking.


  • Manage my time: knowing how to optimize my organization over time, learn how to manage the time available according to the importance and priority of the tasks, knowing how to say no to be calm and balanced in my professional.


  • Agility: Developing employees’ mental flexibility to meet business challenges, save time and find simple solutions that go off the beaten track.