Sales B2B - B2C - H2H* 2
For whom ? All individuals and organisations who benefit from developing business skills that are in tune with today's world.
*Human to human

Our markets are very competitive; hence we do not always see our best customers dropping out. And it is often too late to react. How can we avoid these losses? First of all, we need to know the value of each customer and the potential they represent in the future. Then, the key to success depends above all on our declared intention to make them happy.
Who has never been afraid to face a professional buyer? The feeling of losing control of the negotiation sometimes leads us to lack confidence.
In reality, the conversation with the professional buyer is an opportunity to position myself as a reliable business partner, a serious supplier who understands the stakes of the business. In my hyper-competitive market, I gain by placing myself in a position of equality in order to find the balance in my long term negotiations.

The profitability of our business also depends on our ability to surround ourselves with solid partners. We must therefore select the best and negotiate the purchasing terms we need to develop our business profitably in the long run.